Kenshi Wiki

This article is a list of (hopefully) all the Keyboard and Mouse shortcuts in the game. These controls can be changed by the player. Check out our page on the Options Menu for how to change shortcuts for actions.


The mouse is used for multiple purposes

  • Camera movement
    1. By moving the mouse to the edge of the screen, you can move your camera in that direction across the landscape.
    2. By holding down the middle mouse button, that enables you to spin your camera around.
    3. Free-look can also be activated by holding down left CTRL and moving the mouse.
  • Movement and Commands
    1. By right clicking on the ground, when you have one of your characters selected, you tell them to move to that location.
    2. By holding right mouse button on a person (or their icon on your HUD), you bring up a menu of actions (Trade, Attack, First Aid, etc). Doing so on buildings and some furniture has the same effect.
    3. By right clicking directly on someone, you perform the default action. You attack enemies and talk to allies.
  • Selection
    1. Left clicking on a character or character portrait selects that character.
    2. Additional characters can be selected by holding the SHIFT key while left clicking.
    3. By holding down left mouse button and moving the cursor across the screen, you create a box that will select your characters when you release left mouse button.
    4. Right clicking or double left clicking on a character's portrait will center your screen on them, no matter how far away they are.  Useful if you split your characters up over long distances.


List of all the keyboard controls

General Controls[]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Select character corresponding with the number. 1 will select first character, 2  the second, and so on. Press a key twice to focus the camera on the character.
Spacebar Pauses the game
`/~ or -/+ Select all characters in squad
Tab Cycle squads
F2 Normal Game Speed
F3 2x Game Speed
F4 5x Game Speed
F5 Quick Save
F7 Hide UI for taking screenshots (AKA Cinematic mode)
F8 Take Screenshot
F9 Quick Load
Control Is the same as pressing middle mouse button, enables rotation of camera.
Left Alt Highlight Items in the world, allows stealing

Menu Shortcuts[]

C Opens the Character Stats Page
M Opens the Map
I Opens the Character Inventory
T Opens the Technology Page
Y Opens the Crafting Queue Screen

Camera Controls[]


Arrow Keys

Move the camera in that direction accross the landscape
Q Rotates Camera Left
E Rotates Camera Right
R Stop Character Action
F Rotates Camera Down
Home Zooms Camera In
End Zooms Camera Out

Build Mode[]

B Toggle Build Mode
Space Confirm Build Mode
Backspace Undo last building
Page Up Move up one floor
Page Down Move down one floor
, "Comma", Rotate building left
. "Period", Rotate building right
= Move building up
- Move building down
] or + Increase building slope
[ or - Decrease building slope


Toggle game editor Shift + F12
Rebuild Navmesh Ctrl + Shift + F11
Kenshi-Video Game Keyboard Diagrams-PC AT US 104 Key (ANSI)-CIELCh Plain (Light)

Visual map of Kenshi keyboard controls. Click on the image for a clearer view.
